the biggest problem with consumer culture is that any criticism of said culture is either ignored or in some cases even celebrated, as many famous works of media have made fun of stuff like fast food and hollywood and corporate greed etc, and end up winning awards and being promoted, like bojack horseman for example, it made fun of hollywood treating celebrities like shit yet hollywood itself ended up giving it awards and paraded around the creators, in the eyes of the market any resistance ideology is simply another focus group that can be marketed towards, anyone who wants to get their message across must mold it into a perfect commodity, and in essence, destroy the message, when it comes down to it the reason nothing changes is because no one cares anymore, we live with glossy eyes and distracted minds, hopping from one consumable to the next, consuming our bugmeals in our pods, we know all the problems but we prefer the comfort of the mundanity and apathy to the turbulent and unpredictable nature of radical change, to the consumer change lies within the evolution of the iphone, not society, if the higher ups sense restlessness they will just add another seasoning to our bugmeals, i heard its coriander today